One of the most important symbols of authority throughout history has been the chair. It was the throne upon which the monarch sat when dispensing justice, where the high priests sat when being close to God, where families gather to eat and the term “chairperson” still refers to a position of authority.
While the material, style and design of chairs have all changed over time and whatever their origin, chairs still are some of the most sought after pieces of furniture by collectors all over the world.
I guess what I really like about chairs is their complexity, yet simplicity at the same time. They can have the most intricate detail and decoration, sophisticated style, yet their purpose can remain simple, yet convey so much meaning. They can look great alone, such as a hall chair or bedroom chair or in sets such as dining or parlour suites.
They can be lounged upon, be extremely formal, be the place where creative talent can manifest and so much more.
In my opinion they can be taken for granted, abused or even ignored, yet they faithfully do so much and can add such a positive energy to any room.