Victoria Point, Queensland
Celebrating thoughtful craftsmanship and the artistry of woodworking while honouring our connection to nature.
It is Going To Take as Long As It Takes - Towards Mastery
This is my personal story and experience on adopting a mastery mindset. From CEO leadership to working with wood and fine furniture to the ancient Japanese art of Kintsugi, my journey has not come from a strategic plan but from relationship with my Creator. It changed me and my ideas of success in fundamental ways.

My Story
Mastery can be an elusive topic for many. This is my experience, way of understanding and journey towards Mastery as a way of being. Within the limitations of English language, it is a way of being, one that results from attaining inspiration, developing lateral knowledge, and forming connection. Don's life mastery is a different thing. It hasn't been one that requires status, position, or the trappings of material success. His concept of mastery spans the intellectual, physical, and spiritual aspects of being. His guidance in Life Mastery does not come from a strategic plan. It comes from his relationship with God. This book is some of his thoughts and experiences as be moved towards and continues to grow in Life Mastery.